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Tuesday 20 July 2010

passing your driving test

Well done to SU who passed last week and good look with the rest of your driving.
So people patience and persistance does pay off.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

passing your test

Hi folks so on the 3rd of this month A PASS well done Sue. It takes hard work alot of effort and perseverance all of which gets you a pass in the end. Some people can go a couple of weeks or more and still drive to test standard, some people need to drive more often, at the end of the day its up to the pupil.
So heads up people !! concentrate a little harder and you'll all get there.

grand theft auto iv

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Driving with a positive attitude

Driving safely is very important in this day and age, with increasing amounts of traffic coming on to Britians roads.A good attitude and good knowledge of the rules of the road are ESSENTIAL.
Driving tests involve the same attitudes and skills. So the last thing you want to do is go on your test wondering weather or not you are good enough ???? Whilst on your test you will have to deal with situations in different places as they arise. This must be done safely and confidently, to show you are aware of whats going on around you. I had a pupil today on test who thought she had failed very early on in the test, ( she had not failed at this point ) so a few minutes later she failed in a different place !! So what i'm saying is if something goes wrong , sort it out as safely as you can and keep your driving to a high standard. When you arrive back at the test centre THEN you can find out your result.
If you have got as far as the TEST CENTRE with me then you will pass. Its all about on the day, so a good positve attitude is essential.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

driving tests this month.

well at least Englands had some luck, maybe it will rub off on the lucky 2 pupils at the end of this month??

Friday 18 June 2010

world cup tops 2010

driving and the rain

Well i thought it was summer now and the rain keeps coming. Don't drive up other drivers arses and watch for pedestrians near puddles. Make sure your wipers are in good nic and all your lights work, thats ya lot for today, come on wheres the sun ???

Thursday 17 June 2010

summertime driving

Summertime returns again and i am lovin the sun and warmer weather, who knows how long it will last this time ? I prefer the summer its a pleasure to be out doors,my kids are the same.
Another NEW pupil starts tomorrow, could still handle a few more. Ahh well duty calls,roll on the weekend out wi the lads,fathers day and my birthday,summertime officially begins on June 21.

Sunday 13 June 2010

get your digital tyre pressure gauge here

driving tests this month.

Well so far no luck, or should i say very unlucky . So good luck to Nic on monday ! Hope you have more luck than England did.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

driving tests this month.

Ok first pupil up for test tomorrow, fingers crossed. The rest of the week looks a little dull , the same as the weather,good luck to ENGLAND on saturday. Oh yeh looks like my day out at Blackpool is off due to bad weather and lack of funds !!!!

Monday 7 June 2010

driving tests this month.

Hi folks, got a driving test this wednesday, hope she passes.Also one next week and then one at the end of the month.
A couple a days off this week , might have a day out in blackpool then england first game on sat , time for some mates round an some beers. I'll fill you all in on ant interesting results or motorway stories before the weekend.

Thursday 3 June 2010

driving tests this month.

Three lucky people on test this month , 2 at eccleshill and 1 at heaton. Good luck to everyone you all deserve to pass.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

schools out ! DRIVE CAREFULLY

Ok how can you tell schools are off ? I wreckon theres at least 75% less traffic in town centres and high street roads,so many people already use cars to get kids to school when thet could walk.
So less traffic but more kids to look out for all day!! So stay alert in areas where there maybe lots of kids. As a driving instructor myself, less traffic is always easier to deal with but i still have a high rate of awareness at all times.

Enjoy the quiet roads while it lasts.

Friday 28 May 2010

driving round roundabouts

So how come i have been cut up twice in one day on the same roundabout ???
LOOK for signs on your approach so you know which lane to be in. Always give way to the right or anything already on the roundabout and please signal in the correct place at the corect time. Improper use of signals makes everyones life difficult. Don't drive round them at speed go at a safe speed so you are aware of who is where on the roundabout, take your time, when you have mirror signalled in the correct place and left the roundabout, then build your speed up safely.
If in doubt don't stick your nose out, wait for a safe gap. its not that it !!!

Thursday 27 May 2010

driving on bank holidays

Hi , i'll make this short and sweet, not working this bank holiday for the first time in a long time. So am i going anywhere for the day in the car ??? ERRRRRR NO, because everyone does and it brings out the muppets by the dozen, a nice chilled out day in the fresh air with my kids, job done.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

car accessories from amazon

the official theory test kit

motorway driving and the hazards

hi folks < had a nice day out in Alton Towers yesterday and surprisingly very few problems on the roads.
A beautiful sunny day and left at eight. I came across the usual non mirror lookers that just move in an out without looking. Then theres the drivers who forget they do actually have small flashing orange lights to tell other road users when they are about to change lane or direction.So off at J28 and the usual tractor driver, just a little patience required here to pass when theres a safe opportunity.
Two and a quarter hours and all the thrill of the rides and the expensive food "LOL".
Some great rides which , i have to say " left me a little worse for wear".So fed and watered for the return trip. Back down the B roads and safely on to the M1. Hello here we go MR.I CAN'T AFFORD A HANDS FREE KIT appeared at 80 mph , scary and out of my way quickly.Then more of what i experienced on the way down,with a little tiredness thrown in. The beast thing is to stop in a safe place , eg the nearest services. If your still a distance , wind your window down, turn some good music on, stay alert. It pnly takes a second to never see the next servie station. Driving at high speeds takes constant concentration.
Two hours later, home safe, showered and a cold beer. A great time had by all !

Sunday 23 May 2010

drivinging safely in warm weather

drivinging safely in warm weather

driving on sundays

Well a short one for now. Sundays used to be quieter than the rest of the days, you tend to find every day is the same now. You got to d the same things on sundays as the rest of the week. Stay alert plan ahead , look out for the muppets ( idiots that have forgotten how to drive safely) and all the normal things you should always be doing.

Ah well back to the sunshine and a lazy day for a change.

Friday 21 May 2010

drivers and their attitude !!

One of the biggest problems teaching people how to drive is making sure they develope the right attitude. Always treat other drivers how you expect to be treated even if they don't ! What goes around comes around!

A good attitude is esssential to developing your driving skills and knowledge.Always expecting the unexpected is a good idea, go slower through the smaller gaps, look out for doors opening and pedestrians walking out. Take your time , be polite and patient with other road users. If someone cuts you up don't lower yourself to giving the the old finger it all leads to road rage, gwtting wound up doesn't help anyone,stay safe and drive safely by planning ahead. The warmer weather we are getting also means you got to keep cool in more ways than one.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

drivinging safely in warm weather

top tips for driving safely in the warm weather
1. a good pair of sunglasses are a must.
2. Keep hydrated.
3. Regular breaks if you feel tired.
4. Don't be anything
5. If you have aircon use it , don't be tight.
6. Take your time
7. Keep calm and wind your

Monday 17 May 2010

Drivers LOOK OUT for Pedestrians Crossing

This will be straight to the point. Someone was telling me that there nephew was intending to cross on a pedestrian crossing, there was a car waiting at the crossing, she thought he wasn't crossing and started to go he stepped onto the crossing!! he stopped she stopped , as he set off ,so did she hitting him and leaving him rolling off the bonnet, luckily he suffered no serious injuries.

In short when you've stopped at a crossing apply your handbrake and make sure any pedestrians have completely cleared the front of your vechicle before you move. Awareness approaching any kind of pedestrian crossing is essential,pedestrians are all to easy to KILL!
Come on drivers treat them how you want to be treated when your out there.

It always amazes me how many cars do not slow down to let anyone cross anywhere, they are so eager to get where their going. There seems to be an ongoing trend pedestrians to cross without looking.
Please drive safely and keep others safe.

Sunday 16 May 2010

learning to chill out and relax

Yes folks your hearing right. Not all of the driving instructors want or need to work sundays. You have to have at least one day off especialy if you have kids. Family time is really important to me.
Money is not everything, having a good time and seeing my kids smile is priceless. Though its important to make a good living, how many people work sundays for normal time ?? Not me , never so sundays are family days. Sometimes you need time out , people who do not do this for a living will have no idea of the things that can crop up but thats a story for another day !

Saturday 15 May 2010

driving me round the bend

Hi everyone a busy day today and unfortunately nothing out of the normal ! To begin with talkin about bends, when learners are reversing round corners, why have most pedestrians completely forgotten its dangerous to walk behind one. These are learners as it says clearly on all the cars, so why walk behind them ?????
Other things that happen on a daily basis, no signals, driving to fast and cutting learners up. We were all learners once ( well most of us) so why not give them a little more space and be patient, treat them how you would like to be treated !!!!!
So nothing new its all part of the job but patience and common courtesy is dissappearing FAST from our roads , BEWARE.

Friday 14 May 2010

learning how to reverse

learning to reverse round a corner (left corner BENDY)

Ok first things first.
1. done at walkin pace or less, start to finish.
2. To begin park about a grates width from the kerb,approx 3 car lengths from the corner.
3.get the car ready to move and check all round.
4. Reverse slowly when the kerb dissapears from the rear window, check over your right shoulder.
5. When it appears in the corner of the window, behind your instructor, put three quarters of a turn to the left.
6. Keep checkin all round, as the kerb appears in the centre of the rear window , take of your steering.
7.Check your position and adjust as needed
8. reverse back slowly keeping a safe distance from the kerb and stop nice and straight.
9. Handbrake and neutral, job done

Thursday 13 May 2010

Diving test and how not to pass

learning to drive and after you have passed

Well to cut a long story short, its the best thing i ever did.I started to learn at 17 and passed on my 3rd attempt, ha cost £7 per hour at the time. I have now passed my HGV class one over 15 years ago and been a qualified driving instructor for the last 5. So there are alot of things you can do with your license once you get it. Getting it was also great fun but from experience you have to get along with your instructor. Its your ticket to independance ladies and convenience for all of us . Your life will never be the same again.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

driving hgv's responsibly

Here is a quick story for today entitled LOOK AFTER YOUR LOAD.
This was at the time when hgv drivers were getting robbed and hijacked frequently.
I was workin nights for a well known catalogue company.The nights job entailed takin a trailer full of anything you can buy from a catologue to Birmingham.After arriving at the depot i began my break . I was told they'd let me know when it was tipped and reloaded to go back for bradford. Not knowing the whole story as i was a newby to the hole thing, i enjoyed my break and a read of the paper and , of course got the nod to go. About 30 mins up the motorway i noticed a grey car in my offside mirror and it seemed to be following me.After a mile or two it began flashing its headlights at me and pulled up alongside me! ( there was no cab phone in my truck) Before i new it the car had cut infront of me and was trying to slow me down, i was n't going to give my load up that easily and put my foot down,so the dar had to speed up. We played chase for a couple a miles and they weren't giving up, i slowed down and pulled up on the hard shoulder, keepin in agear ready to move , the car stopped about 5 or 6 metres in front.
Here it comes, a familiar lookin fellow got out of the car, i couldn't quite place him, he was waving something at me, ( lol no it wasn't a gun ) it was an envelope, it was the night supervisor from the depot i'd just been to. He said " i thought i was gonna chase you all the way to bradford, you forgot ya paperwork "!! inside i felt a little stupid but lookin at him thought it was hilarious and told him " you can't be too careful these days.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

car care products

car accessories from amazon

amazon mp3

learn to drive summers coming

Well winter is just about gone, summer is suppose to be on its way !! So now is the best time to get stuck in, warmer weather, less rain (yeah right) and long summer nights , ya can't go wrong.
Keep ya eyes on my blog for tips on manouvres.

Friday 7 May 2010

hazards of driving safely

Ok i think this one will be on going. Whats the easiest thing to come into contact with whist driving ? I would say PEDESTRIANS , they just don't go well with cars unless there sat in them !
What happened to the days when we taught our kids the "Green Cross Code " ?..... i know i can hear some of you saying whats that ? WEll it used to be the safest way to learn to cross the road and was taught from a young age. It seems its more common now to walk and hope for the best, i strongly disagree !!!!!!
Please don't assume these things on two legs will give way or cross in a safe place....well not all the time.
Keep ya eyes peeled drivers, once there squashed theres no going back.

Thursday 6 May 2010

andys auto sport programme

Wednesday 5 May 2010

test centre eccleshill

A quick post today, just to show its not all fun and games being an instructor. Unfotunately todays pupil tried her best and failed , onwards and upwards is the only way !

Tuesday 4 May 2010

drving instructor you do not want

pass plus courses pros and cons

Ok why do pass plus ? T be honest the more experience you can get the safer driver you will become.Practice does make perfect, the more you can get with an experienced instructor the better. Most drivers i've taught seem to choose not to purely because of extra expense, in my eyes you get wot you pay for exactly like driving lessons, the cheapest is not always the best !!
get as much experience as you can . I would say you want to pay approx £150 for the course which can be split in to blocks or done all at once. Everyone i have taken has benefitted from doing it.

Friday 30 April 2010

My First Driving Lesson By Morgan Hamilton Platinum Quality Author

It seems as though I've always been a little bit afraid of driving. Now please don't misunderstand, I'm not one of those naturalist weirdos that is against technology in all its forms. On the contrary, I enjoy being driven around in the air conditioned comfort of a fine car. I have no problems with that. It's the thought of me actually driving that scares me. So you can imagine what a nightmare my driving lesson was.

Like all teenagers, I took drivers education to learn how to drive so I could get my driver's license. After all, being able to drive was one of the cornerstones of independence and would mean that I had developed my own wings right? Well it didn't really work out that way, as I was to find out to my utter disbelief. I never actually drove anything before in my first driving lesson was a disaster.

It started out badly when I got into the drivers seat and literally froze. I have to mention at this point that the instructor allotted to me for the duration of the driving lesson wasn't exactly awe inspiring. He looked at me like I love some kind of complete moron and that wasn't very comforting. So my first driving lesson began about as poorly as I possibly could have. I still don't know why or what caused me to be so tense. Maybe it was my lack of experience suddenly manifesting itself. Well, whatever it was, my first driving lesson couldn't have started any worse.

So that was it for driving lesson number one. I failed it. After all, they don't just hand out driver's licenses for opening a door and getting in the car. In any driving lesson, to the best of my knowledge, you have to actually drive or at the very least get the car to move a couple of millimeters in terms of distance in order to be considered for a pass grade. I couldn't even accomplish that. It was ugly.

Driving lessons are apparently not for me. I think it was a full five years after that first disastrous driving lesson that I mustered up the courage to enroll in an adult driving course. I was fortunately the youngest. But that too was little consolation as the only other people in the room were immigrants or country yokels, both of who had never ever seen a car in the first place! Who would have ever thought that a driving lessons could be so difficult. Oh well, my fault.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of teenagers. You can get interesting and informative information here at Driving Lesson

Article Source:

Thursday 29 April 2010

learning to drive and after you have passed

Hi i thought this seemed like a good idea to share my experiences of driving, as a learner which is some years ago, as a heavy goods vechicle driver and as a qualified driving instructor. Hopefully there will be lots of stories and good advice to be found on here , with other motoring things to follow. please leave any relavent posts at your leisure.